This work is made for multimedia interactive performance [musical instrument, video real-time editor and dance/movement interactive]
There are 3 modes of interaction of this piece:
1-dance interaction
2-dance and computer interaction
3-computer interaction
Interactive interface is a pressure-sensored dance floor which is consisted of 9 panels.
By placing a body [or an object] on a panel, it activates video clip and a sound clip that have been assigned to it. Activated video is displayed on a video-wall in the background.
Activated sound is reproduced on multi channel loudspeakers which are positioned in a way to help spatial sensation of music/sound. Sounds would come from left, right , front or behind depending of a movement of dancers.[professional-artists]
This is previous interaction mode combined with computer interface. User friendly interface-
gives possibility for the performer to load different videos, change sound clips and it's dynamics, apply different effects etc. In that way dancer's improvisation is even more spontaneous,but high co-relation between dance and musical performance must exist [professional-artist]
This is interaction mode that is accessible for the wide audience. Triggered videos are displayed on video-wall and sounds are shifted throughout the room space.
[wide audience-with basic intuitive navigation/computer skills]
Every video clip [function of a trigger]has been assigned a certain sound
which is constantly changed by a multi-buffer. The bell sounds that I've used have a very nice reverberation so the transitions between 'the keyboards'/video-clips are soft and smooth.
To Eight FIELDS have been assigned 8 video clips and 8 continuously changing sounds[that are heard only by MOUSE-over activation], but the CENTRAL FIELD is BLACK and when triggered it accumulates all the active sounds [if you circle fast enough [due to a bell reverberation] and enter the central field fast, you'll get a big accumulating sound of all 8 sources.
Sound-output: is supposed to be distributed on multi-channel [surround] speakers- 5.1, 7.1 sound system. So that the FLOOR-PLAN has also a 'mapping sound role i.e.. 3D surround sound.
VIDEO INTERFACE: Video clips have been de saturated and de contrasted, but when you activate them, their color and contrast are being revealed .I have chosen 'angels' for the
VIDEO-OUTPUT:Triggered Videos are displayed on