cONTRAart_Snežana Kaplarski_PROJEKTI_HAIKU


--live improvisation-video--

-This is a NEW CONCEPT MUSICAL PERFORMANCE. Music is AD HOC improvised on a HAIKU poem lyrics and saved by a digital camera always following the musical form [taking active participation in performance]. Main instruments are saxophone & trombone performed by artists-musicians SneKI ki[she] & Djapssst[he], but guests [friends] also come to paticipate as well on guitar, piano, percussions...

-Musical forms are used as models for video composing - for example: SONATA, RONDO etc.
-Important role in this musical performance has a chance[John Cage] and sudden inspirations [jazz] resulting the simple, natural but exotic and undefined sensations-haiku poetry.


>>see concert invitation>serbian
with english description


Musical Camera


While playing/improvising 'circular' music, digital camcoder is spinning and recording the set by itself. Musicians are following the movement of the camera and improvising. Repositioning of the rolles: camcoder/camera is recording by a chance and in the same time it is conducting this 'camera orchestra' - trio: saxophone, trombone and guitar.


RONDO [round/circle]
Rondo, and its French equivalent rondeau, is a word that has been used in music in reference to a musical form.>> In rondo form, a principal theme (sometimes called the "refrain") alternates with one or more contrasting themes, variously called "digressions, couplets, episodes," or "subordinate themes." The overall form can be represented as ABACADA... The number of themes can vary from piece to piece, and the recurring element is sometimes embellished or shortened in order to provide for variation [An instance of change; the rate or magnitude of change variation.] - taken from


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