cONTRAart_Snežana Kaplarski_PROJEKTI



--video project--

-Two[ex]painters who replaced their brush and canvas with mouse,keyboard and monitor are doing strange [plastic] surgery on a'painting' in order to explore that distance they passed from [old] painting medium to [new] digital-media...

  see more images[stills]>>  

--live improvisation-video--

-This is a NEW CONCEPT MUSICAL PERFORMANCE. Music is AD HOC improvised on a HAIKU poem lyrics and saved by a digital camera always following the musical form [kind of active participation in performance]. Main instruments are saxophone & trombone performed by artists-musitians SneKI ki[she] & Djapssst[he], but guests [friends] also come to paticipate as well on guitar, piano, percussions...

see more images[stills]>>

Plaja [PLAŽA]
--summer-sun video--

-A lyrical video piece, made of photos from a beach in Holland.
Very clear landscape[sky, sand and sea] Peacefull
athmosphere, but in the café where I had sat played live-
a hard-core band very loudly but very beautiful in the same
time ...


see more images[stills]>>

Parallels [PARALELE]
--juxtaposing video--

-Juxtaposing various shot videos- two, three or more videos in the
same time. Relation based on personal feeling and on
sound or visual estethics

see more images[stills]>>